1.   Some linoleum tile, Maybe some plywood, Maybe the buzz of the fluorescent tube light.

2.   ...fluorescent light tubes.

3.   Light-therapy devices are boxes filled with fluorescent light tubes and reflectors.

4.   Turn them on and look for burned-out bulbs or flickering fluorescent light tubes.

5.   Discarded batteries, pesticides, fluorescent light tubes and medical waste are among the most serious health threats for young scavengers.

6.   One old man stumbled away with three fluorescent light tubes, a large ceramic urn and a toilet seat.

7.   Rescuers used the pipe to pass on water, a nutritional drink and fluorescent light tubes.

8.   This is because tube light is nowhere near as strong as the sun.

9.   With the help of a light tube, a periscope-like gadget on a flexible tube, they could also make out Alexei lying on some metal mesh.

a. + tube >>共 340
feeding 9.22%
plastic 7.06%
breathing 6.98%
feed 4.05%
intravenous 3.96%
fluorescent 3.01%
metal 2.84%
thin 2.50%
tiny 2.24%
small 2.15%
light 0.78%
light + n. >>共 1615
rain 5.36%
snow 5.10%
shower 4.77%
truck 4.40%
wind 3.06%
injury 2.09%
fixture 1.88%
rail 1.52%
switch 1.09%
plane 1.03%
tube 0.09%
每页显示:    共 9