1.   This middle layer has a spatial light modulator that acts as a light valve to modulate the illumination.

2.   Applied research involves development of liquid-crystal spatial light modulators as well as studies of water wave dynamics, wind energy, acoustics, etc.

3.   That LCD, called a spatial light modulator, displays black and white images of the bits that need to be recorded.

4.   Those chunks, in turn, are what the spatial light modulator displays for the transfer to the hologram.

a. + modulator >>共 7
light 30.77%
spatial 30.77%
dynamic 7.69%
key 7.69%
left-hand 7.69%
similar 7.69%
so-called 7.69%
light + n. >>共 1615
rain 5.36%
snow 5.10%
shower 4.77%
truck 4.40%
wind 3.06%
injury 2.09%
fixture 1.88%
rail 1.52%
switch 1.09%
plane 1.03%
modulator 0.04%
每页显示:    共 4