1.   At last the light dawned.

2.   He was going to marry Phylis!

3.   Light dawned on Loretta, and she launched herself into her part.

4.   After a second or two, the light dawned.

5.   But the light dawned too late to stave off a reversal of fortune.

6.   No one said a word, but suddenly a light dawned.

7.   She said the light dawned on her one day as she sat in a department faculty meeting.

8.   Soon the light dawned.

9.   Suddenly the light dawned.

n. + dawn >>共 43
day 38.37%
morning 8.72%
era 7.56%
light 5.23%
realization 5.23%
realisation 3.49%
age 2.33%
truth 2.33%
millennium 1.74%
democracy 1.74%
light + v. >>共 464
be 21.86%
go 12.61%
come 6.02%
flash 2.82%
shine 2.35%
turn 2.20%
dim 1.91%
flicker 1.57%
change 1.38%
begin 1.25%
dawn 0.28%
每页显示:    共 9