1.   In the afternoons, players take English classes twice a week and an occasional social-skills class, lift weights or nap.

2.   She also nibbles cereal with flax seed, uses herbs like black cohosh and chaste tree berry, takes walks daily and lifts weights when she can.

3.   The act of braking shifts weight to the front wheels, lifts weight from the rear wheels.

4.   Work out year-round, lift weights to get stronger and hit more home runs.

5.   But players were still able to work on conditioning drills, lift weights and shoot around.

n. + weight >>共 151
body 29.76%
birth 15.82%
market 6.12%
hand 3.23%
time 2.21%
pie 2.21%
stool 1.36%
water 1.36%
gain 1.19%
sash 1.19%
lift 0.85%
lift + n. >>共 103
line 11.03%
home 7.60%
shaft 6.08%
operator 3.42%
system 3.42%
door 3.04%
pass 2.66%
price 2.28%
weight 1.90%
air 1.90%
每页显示:    共 5