1.   Any move to wholly or partially lift the moratoria would draw fierce opposition from environmentalists and many politicians in states near currently protected areas.

2.   At a House-Senate conference committee, the two manage to effectively lift a moratorium on new mining patents, but the House may block their action.

3.   -- Lift the moratorium on new football bowl games.

4.   A coalition that includes environmentalists, government waste watchdog groups and American Indian groups have joined in urging that the moratorium be lifted.

5.   A high-level commission is to recommend to Congress next spring whether the current, legislated moratorium on Internet and catalog sales taxes should be lifted.

6.   After eight years of worry that the alewives might disappear entirely, the fish have returned in enough numbers to lift the moratorium on catching them.

7.   But it also says that if the moratorium is lifted, the time to prepare for tests be reduced from two years to one year or less.

8.   But Mitterrand declined to lift the moratorium.

9.   But the sea-run fish are again returning in numbers enough to lift the moratorium on catching then.

10.   Earlier versions of the bill brought to the House floor would have lifted the moratorium if mining reform legislation passed Congress this year.

v. + moratorium >>共 118
impose 9.67%
declare 8.17%
extend 7.90%
lift 6.40%
place 4.36%
observe 4.09%
put 3.95%
announce 3.41%
end 3.00%
have 2.32%
lift + n. >>共 559
sanction 13.55%
ban 11.04%
embargo 6.24%
restriction 5.17%
weight 4.23%
price 1.99%
blockade 1.69%
spirit 1.50%
immunity 1.35%
curfew 1.25%
moratorium 0.42%
每页显示:    共 47