1.   Yes so this i I mean this is what maths is, is about, you start doing something and then So how we going to lay this out?

2.   Capers Lay fish out in single layer in an oven dish.

3.   Working in groups, women prepare batches of couscous, then lay it out on sheets in the sun to dry for storage.

4.   After meeting Wednesday morning with the heads of the three other delegations, Chen said they will meet again in the afternoon to lay out how to proceed.

v. + out >>共 9
keep 69.54%
have 8.61%
force 7.95%
leave 7.95%
lie 2.65%
declare 1.32%
allow 0.66%
recall 0.66%
term 0.66%
lie + a. >>共 26
bare 14.81%
flat 12.96%
low 9.26%
open 9.26%
dead 7.41%
out 7.41%
hidden 3.70%
askew 1.85%
battered 1.85%
close 1.85%
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