1.   Bradley asserted that Gore favors licensing handguns.

2.   Gore, in truth, has proposed licensing handgun owners and limiting gun purchases to one a month, and he favors trigger locks.

3.   And Democrat Gore has supported licensing future handgun buyers and wants to expand background checks.

4.   Gore supports licensing future handgun buyers and expanding background checks, while Bush favors fewer restrictions on gun ownership.

a. + handgun >>共 119
concealed 19.43%
semiautomatic 11.14%
new 7.11%
loaded 6.64%
cheap 4.50%
licensed 2.13%
illegal 2.13%
semi-automatic 2.13%
automatic 1.90%
small 1.90%
licensing 0.95%
licensing + n. >>共 228
agreement 22.26%
fee 8.40%
deal 6.97%
right 4.29%
requirement 3.98%
system 3.42%
process 2.92%
arrangement 2.24%
procedure 1.93%
board 1.62%
handgun 0.25%
每页显示:    共 4