1.   As liberal advocacy groups run to stay in place, conservative groups march ahead with a clear agenda.

2.   A more biting assessment comes from People For the American Way, a liberal advocacy group.

3.   A report by the liberal advocacy group Citizen Action found that Hutchison topped the list of lawmakers who received contributions from health care interests.

4.   Bush also stoked the ire of liberal advocacy groups, which were able to use the Ashcroft nomination to increase and energize their troops.

5.   Connecticut lawmakers had failed to pass the bill in five earlier attempts by Green and liberal advocacy groups.

6.   Even the Education Trust, a liberal advocacy group, has praised the Texas education system for its improvements in math and writing.

7.   James St. George, executive director of the liberal advocacy group, Tax Equity Alliance for Massachusetts, worried Wednesday that the House proposal cuts too deeply.

8.   Longley has been under attack from liberal advocacy groups, particularly labor and environmental groups.

9.   Meanwhile, though, liberal advocacy groups are spending most of their time defending old ground.

10.   Other liberal advocacy groups have taken a similar view.

a. + advocacy >>共 170
environmental 6.13%
nonprofit 5.03%
patient 4.81%
liberal 3.72%
public 3.50%
political 3.50%
national 3.28%
hispanic 2.84%
private 2.84%
conservative 2.63%
liberal + n. >>共 806
party 4.13%
group 3.48%
view 2.74%
democracy 2.10%
politician 1.87%
policy 1.72%
cause 1.69%
newspaper 1.61%
leader 1.59%
economist 1.49%
advocacy 0.44%
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