1.   A member of the primary health care team has now been designated liaison officer and all messages are passed to her.

2.   At this point I May require you to visit the scene of the occurrence accompanied by my liaison officers.

3.   Focussed semi-structured interviews of industrial and public sector research staff, liaison officers and management will be conducted.

4.   It is to spend more resources on social and community facilities and to employ community liaison officers.

5.   Now a chief liaison officer is to go to the area to negotiate.

6.   Of course, the battalion commander with his artillery liaison officer was usually flying overhead.

7.   The liaison officer and local police were on the nearby road, ready to stop the traffic.

8.   To further the necessary changes within the workshop we appointed an education officer and an industrial liaison officer.

9.   A liaison officer will be on hand every afternoon to advise.

10.   The narrower role of school liaison officers to some extent diminishes the usefulness of the police in building up a cross-community view.

n. + officer >>共 349
army 11.71%
security 9.80%
intelligence 5.77%
enforcement 5.74%
law 5.48%
custom 3.27%
liaison 2.04%
duty 2.00%
immigration 1.92%
correction 1.88%
liaison + n. >>共 54
office 44.91%
officer 25.22%
committee 9.96%
team 3.68%
bureau 1.41%
meeting 1.41%
mission 1.19%
group 1.08%
official 0.97%
chairman 0.76%
每页显示:    共 232