1.   As smog and soot levels rise in the Los Angeles air, so do hospital admissions for asthma, pneumonia and other respiratory problems, a new study found.

2.   Because of the shallowing bottom, water piles up and ocean levels rise, creating the storm surge.

3.   Slightly more than half of the patients in a recent study saw their AIDS virus levels rise, according to a new study.

4.   The South will feel more like summer as humidity levels rise and afternoon cumulus become more numerous, particularly along the Gulf Coast.

5.   When a person or animal is under stress or suddenly stops taking alcohol or other addictive drugs, Koob said, CRF levels rise.

6.   Genes and living habits can make homocysteine levels rise in the bloodstream.

7.   Italian authorities have issued warnings as pollutions levels rise, especially in Rome.

8.   Analysts said as income levels rise, the only difference in the profile of the market would be that people will buy higher-powered bikes.

9.   Conditions were expected to worsen as mountain snow levels rise and swollen streams breach their banks.

n. + rise >>共 483
price 20.55%
rate 10.42%
pay 6.05%
wage 3.30%
tax 2.49%
profit 1.80%
sun 1.50%
cost 1.50%
share 1.42%
income 1.29%
level 0.39%
level + n. >>共 48
rise 11.69%
unseen 9.09%
fall 6.49%
increase 5.19%
drop 5.19%
low 3.90%
mean 2.60%
double 2.60%
burn 2.60%
andothers 1.30%
每页显示:    共 9