1.   Ample sunshine and very warm temperatures will cover the Southeast as humidity levels increase after several days of dry weather.

2.   As children learn the basics of the game, the skill levels increase, and new backgrounds appear.

3.   It contains particles that give off light when glucose levels increase, explains its developer, Jerome Schultz of the University of Pittsburgh.

4.   Studies have shown that as ozone levels increase, healthy youngsters engaged in normal levels of playground or camp activity can experience breathing problems.

n. + increase >>共 778
price 16.58%
tax 14.67%
rate 14.20%
wage 6.76%
pay 3.98%
salary 2.58%
fare 1.69%
capital 1.60%
cost 1.30%
production 1.27%
level 0.05%
level + n. >>共 48
rise 11.69%
unseen 9.09%
fall 6.49%
increase 5.19%
drop 5.19%
low 3.90%
mean 2.60%
double 2.60%
burn 2.60%
andothers 1.30%
每页显示:    共 4