1.   In these cases, letter string combinations are only ruled out if they do not occur in the sample source.

2.   Sayre used di-gram and tri-gram statistics to rule out implausible letter string combinations.

3.   From that comparison came tables that indicate the likelihood of any particular letter combination appearing at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.

4.   Parsing Hebrew words to their roots and turning letter combinations into acronyms, Labowitz reveals the women of the Bible in a positive, sympathetic light.

5.   She knew that some letter combinations in German are different from those in English in words with the same sounds.

6.   Computers can overlook some genes and be fooled by letter combinations that only look like genes.

7.   In English, many words share the same letter combinations, but involve different sounds when spoken.

8.   Scientists prospect for genes by using computers to scour DNA sequences for letter combinations that resemble those of known genes.

n. + combination >>共 322
drug 11.98%
color 6.14%
triple-triple 4.91%
left-right 4.20%
jump 3.17%
toe 2.97%
line 2.46%
business 2.25%
flavor 2.15%
father-son 1.94%
letter 0.82%
letter + n. >>共 222
writer 19.29%
writing 6.64%
grade 4.63%
opener 3.86%
box 3.86%
home 3.09%
jacket 2.01%
column 1.85%
word 1.54%
form 1.23%
combination 1.23%
每页显示:    共 8