1.   Above all, perhaps, many feel let down by the Clinton administration and its failure to bring architects together behind a compelling urban vision.

2.   Many Albanians feel let down by the world and their own meek leaders.

3.   Moreover, he says that after repeated confrontations with Iraq he felt let down by his superiors.

4.   Ms. Podlodowski is one of many liberals around the country who feel let down by recent statements Clinton has made in trying to blunt Republican attacks from the right.

5.   Personally, I feel let down by Lisa Parr.

6.   Woodson declined to comment when asked if the defense felt let down by the offense.

7.   They feel particularly let down by Danny Yatom.

8.   They feel let down by the chief minister as well.

9.   However, many of their fans felt let down by what they saw as an overly-cautious performance against Milan.

a. + by >>共 1228
available 1.90%
possible 1.65%
dead 1.51%
accessible 1.14%
ready 1.06%
worse 0.88%
alive 0.83%
inspired 0.77%
frustrated 0.76%
encouraged 0.72%
let 0.04%
let + p. >>共 3
down 77.27%
by 20.45%
for 2.27%
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