1.   They replaced the pole with one with a different flavor and the horses have let it alone.

2.   Makes me look a right cunt dragging me out of the shop let alone.

3.   But how much business-as-usual is absolutely necessary, let alone worth the cost to taxpayers?

4.   He got on me about my weight, but if I performed on Sunday, he let me alone.

5.   He was a very gentle man and he asked to be let alone.

6.   He showed some identification and they let him alone.

7.   If the dough gets springy, as yeast doughs will, you just let it alone for a few minutes, then press on.

8.   It was a great branding strategy but offered almost no information about its products, let alone where to buy them.

9.   Judd Hirsch and Bob Newhart are not only old, they have the chops to carry a show on their own, let alone together.

10.   Let us alone.

v. + alone >>共 21
leave 83.83%
find 6.95%
let 3.26%
get 1.42%
make 1.28%
drive 0.57%
put 0.43%
hold 0.28%
see 0.28%
believe 0.14%
let + a. >>共 2
loose 86.71%
alone 13.29%
每页显示:    共 23