1.   Analysts say Sega is moving on the right track by lessening its dependence on home video game players.

2.   Another argument focuses on conservation and the need to lessen dependence on foreign oil.

3.   Clearly you have to reconnect with the teenager, thereby lessening your dependence on the older cola drinker.

4.   Domenici said boosting nuclear energy could help the United States lessen dependence on foreign energy sources and avert what the senators called an energy crisis.

5.   Efficient fuel cells also could lessen dependence on electricity providers.

6.   During the temporary ban, some industry watchers hope that television stations will lessen their dependence on live feeds from helicopters.

7.   Fincantieri got into the cruise ship business because of a need to lessen its dependence on military ships.

8.   It could be that Travelers got more respect because of its insurance and loan businesses lessen its dependence on securities.

9.   It called for church and government leaders to cooperate in developing economic projects to lessen dependence on drug crops as a source of revenue.

10.   Meanwhile, automakers including Toyota Motor Corp. and Honda Motor Co. have expanded their manufacturing facilities overseas in a bid to lessen their dependence on exports.

v. + dependence >>共 76
reduce 48.98%
lessen 8.38%
end 3.55%
increase 3.30%
ease 3.05%
cut 2.54%
decrease 2.28%
foster 1.52%
create 1.52%
shed 1.52%
lessen + n. >>共 273
chance 7.02%
risk 6.55%
impact 6.27%
need 3.09%
dependence 3.09%
likelihood 2.72%
pressure 2.72%
tension 2.62%
burden 2.34%
effect 2.34%
每页显示:    共 33