1.   Among the changes, investors will have less difficulty in establishing limit orders, thus lessening the danger of being the victim of unfairly wide price spreads.

2.   Anyway, delaying interest credits does nothing to lessen the danger of check-kiting.

3.   Boutros-Ghali has said he favors the reduction and redeployment of the peacekeepers in Bosnia to lessen the danger to them.

4.   But there are things shorter people and children can do right now to lessen the danger.

5.   Even so, the safety board has urged airlines and the industry to take immediate action to lessen the danger of another fuel tank explosion.

6.   Heavy rains that percolated through the snow pack in the Washington Cascades have triggered natural avalanches at low elevations, lessening the danger of more snow slides.

7.   If Russia is engaged in Bosnia, thus working with the West, this danger would be lessened.

8.   In an effort to lessen the danger, members of the Texas congressional delegation urged the Clinton administration Thursday to send firefighting assistance to Mexico and Central America.

9.   Instant Messaging providers like AOL have established consumer privacy standards to lessen possible danger.

10.   It also cuts down on the friction and lessens the danger of fire when the kudzu really starts to move.

v. + danger >>共 308
pose 17.66%
face 5.96%
see 4.09%
increase 2.55%
reduce 2.47%
present 2.34%
avoid 2.26%
know 2.17%
highlight 2.13%
recognize 1.91%
lessen 0.94%
lessen + n. >>共 273
chance 7.02%
risk 6.55%
impact 6.27%
need 3.09%
dependence 3.09%
likelihood 2.72%
pressure 2.72%
tension 2.62%
burden 2.34%
effect 2.34%
danger 2.06%
每页显示:    共 22