1.   But after lengthy talks, Fox and Carter settled on a new one-season deal late last week.

2.   But lengthy talks could result in a downgrade of U.S. debt issues, which in turn would push up interest rates and drive down stock prices, he said.

3.   But this year, three years after the MTA concluded that it needed a partner with greater financial expertise, lengthy talks with Chase Manhattan Bank collapsed.

4.   For months, Girard and his team have been embroiled in lengthy talks with the Chinese government, negotiating a deal to allow them to film in Shanghai.

5.   Newspapers here reported that Thaci has been engaged in lengthy talks with U.S. officials.

6.   This time he left the chore to assistant Dave Tippett and joined Taylor for a lengthy talk with the officials.

7.   Though he never went to college, they would have lengthy talks about classical literature and class division in American society.

8.   President Hafez Assad on Tuesday had lengthy talks on the Middle East peace process with Russian Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov.

9.   After lengthy talks, the OECD has already abandoned hope of finalizing the MAI at this meeting.

10.   Another key goal, still not met despite lengthy talks last week in Belgrade, is recognition by Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic of Bosnia as an independent country.

a. + talk >>共 659
further 5.02%
bilateral 3.73%
direct 3.60%
new 2.98%
high-level 2.30%
preliminary 2.20%
formal 2.13%
informal 1.96%
separate 1.92%
face-to-face 1.89%
lengthy 0.42%
lengthy + n. >>共 690
process 4.00%
negotiation 3.81%
prison 2.53%
delay 2.38%
discussion 2.23%
investigation 2.23%
interview 2.08%
debate 1.98%
meeting 1.92%
talk 1.83%
每页显示:    共 60