1.   Anti-abortion lawmakers insist that any U.N. debt repayment be tied to a ban on U.S. aid being used by family planning agencies abroad to lobby for legalized abortions.

2.   Abortion-rights supporters are concerned that their allies in the White House and on Capitol Hill are drafting legislation that could chip away at legalized abortion.

3.   But Wiland felt Gov. Bush dodged the question on whether he would appoint Supreme Court justices who opposed legalized abortion.

4.   Cecilia Soto said she is against legalizing it even though her party, the Workers Party, endorses legalized abortion.

5.   Groups opposed to legalized abortion are against him because he has performed them in his practice.

6.   He also has contributed to a group dedicated to ending legalized abortion.

7.   Legalized abortion has withstood assaults from sometimes violent opponents, and capital punishment is back on the books.

8.   Lungren opposes legalized abortion except in cases of rape, incest or when the life of the mother is at stake.

9.   Many people are familiar by now with the constitutional arguments for and against legalized abortion and affirmative action.

10.   Many voters, she argues, simply do not believe that Gov. George W. Bush, as president, would try to end most legalized abortions.

a. + abortion >>共 302
legal 8.64%
illegal 6.85%
surgical 6.57%
forced 5.16%
performing 3.47%
legalized 3.10%
unsafe 2.44%
medical 1.78%
induced 1.69%
botched 1.60%
legalized + n. >>共 57
abortion 25.38%
bribery 5.38%
immigrant 3.85%
extortion 3.08%
casino 3.08%
marriage 3.08%
drug 3.08%
marijuana 2.31%
euthanasia 2.31%
suicide 2.31%
每页显示:    共 33