1.   Badgers will soon enjoy greater legal protection.

2.   Being different is not really safe, despite the legal protection afforded by nondiscrimination clauses.

3.   Employees need legal protection against capricious and unfair actions by their employers.

4.   In the past few weeks the government has once again blocked an attempt to give disabled people legal protection against discrimination.

5.   It develops gradually, acquiring greater legal protection by stages as the fetus gains viability.

6.   It was suggested by proponents that such legal protection was no longer necessary and was an insult to the South.

7.   Patent applications must meet a higher legal standard to be granted and offer a different legal protection than do copyrights.

8.   We bought legal protection as an add-on to our home insurance policy.

a. + protection >>共 643
environmental 15.91%
legal 5.96%
copyright 3.59%
better 3.17%
constitutional 3.06%
patent 2.99%
special 2.72%
equal 2.58%
federal 2.01%
adequate 1.98%
legal + n. >>共 668
action 7.26%
expert 5.04%
system 3.16%
battle 3.06%
challenge 2.90%
immigrant 2.07%
right 1.71%
proceeding 1.64%
issue 1.42%
fee 1.27%
protection 1.05%
每页显示:    共 333