1.   Although many observers find their claims spurious, FARC leaders say they would support programs to help drug farmers switch to legal crops if a peace accord is reached.

2.   Arlacchi has contended that drug crops could be eradicated by having farmers substitute legal crops in return for development projects like schools, health clinics and roads.

3.   Areas sown with palm hearts, pineapples, citrus and other legal crops have doubled in the past decade.

4.   Crop-substitution programs designed to persuade Third World peasants to grow legal crops cannot compete with the profits that drug prohibition makes inevitable.

5.   Getting legal crops to market can take days.

6.   Gov. Angus King has called cranberries the most lucrative legal crop per acre there is.

7.   He noted that coca production in the region has increased while legal crops have been destroyed and the economy disrupted.

8.   In Putumayo in the south, dozens of Cofanes fled to Ecuador after American-supported defoliation of their coca fields and legal crops.

9.   Legal crop, anyway.

10.   Most legal crops need more water than hashish.

a. + crop >>共 751
new 7.19%
current 4.86%
modified 3.11%
engineered 2.34%
record 2.10%
alternative 1.67%
large 1.43%
good 1.38%
first 1.33%
smaller 1.27%
legal 1.22%
legal + n. >>共 668
action 7.26%
expert 5.04%
system 3.16%
battle 3.06%
challenge 2.90%
immigrant 2.07%
right 1.71%
proceeding 1.64%
issue 1.42%
fee 1.27%
crop 0.14%
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