1.   Critics, both Democrat and Republican, say the plan will leave American taxpayers dangerously exposed if Mexico defaults on its bonds.

2.   If a hospital goes into default, taxpayers will be left with the bill.

3.   Special interests are constantly swapping favors with congressional leaders while the average taxpayer is left without a clue as to how much money is even involved.

4.   Taxpayers have been left in no mood to discuss spending increases in a controversial area like Indian affairs.

5.   That leaves taxpayers.

6.   The loans went bad and the government bought them from the banks, leaving taxpayers to pick up the tab.

7.   Their critics say the LAPD is complicit in helping the shows exploit citizens, leaving taxpayers to assume any potential liability from lawsuits.

8.   There was concern the Mexican government would default on the loans, leaving American taxpayers to pay the tab.

9.   Critics complained that Clinton was doing nothing but bailing out wealthy foreign investors and U.S. taxpayers would be left on the hook when Mexico plunged even deeper into trouble.

10.   Republicans say frivolous appeals allow criminals to keep the exectioner at bay for years, leaving taxpayers stuck with the bill of their incarceration.

v. + taxpayer >>共 149
cost 10.70%
help 5.35%
protect 4.81%
save 2.94%
leave 2.67%
treat 2.67%
stick 2.41%
reimburse 1.87%
hurt 1.87%
defraud 1.34%
leave + n. >>共 926
country 4.98%
office 3.08%
game 2.96%
room 2.27%
home 1.93%
town 1.56%
hospital 1.48%
company 1.43%
field 1.27%
area 1.27%
taxpayer 0.02%
每页显示:    共 10