1.   Accordingly it would catch persons who may not have been customers of the plaintiff at the time when the defendant left his employment but who had become customers subsequently.

2.   The employee set up as a tailor within the relevant area within two years of leaving his employment.

3.   However, he had, unknown to the plaintiffs, set up another business which was dormant until he left their employment.

4.   Anatomic Gifts sued him after he left its employment, alleging he violated an agreement to keep details of his work confidential.

5.   For fear of losing their jobs, Faragher and the other female lifeguards did not complain to the city of Boca Raton until after they left its employment.

6.   He had said he had had no contact with the family since he left their employment that spring.

7.   Players who chafe under his rule sometimes denounce him when they leave his employment.

8.   Since the time I left employment, the corporation has accepted a merger agreement.

9.   The buyers of homes in communities that are designed for older adults have often left full-time employment behind them.

10.   The two prosecutors who took the Keatings to trial have left federal employment.

v. + employment >>共 203
find 14.80%
seek 9.53%
provide 5.16%
create 4.97%
boost 4.97%
offer 3.18%
reduce 2.78%
increase 2.68%
generate 1.99%
gain 1.79%
leave 1.59%
leave + n. >>共 926
country 4.98%
office 3.08%
game 2.96%
room 2.27%
home 1.93%
town 1.56%
hospital 1.48%
company 1.43%
field 1.27%
area 1.27%
employment 0.04%
每页显示:    共 16