1.   In general, work experience historically has been the least well developed component of career academies.

2.   The eerie silence pervades the island, the largest in the Bahamas and the least developed.

3.   It abolished its deputy directors and has focused efforts on the environment and the least developed countries in Asia and Africa, he said.

4.   Macedonia, whose president Kiro Gligorov was seriously injured Tuesday in a car bomb attack, is considered the least developed of the former Yugosav republics.

5.   The centre, which formally opened last July, provides mostly legal advice to developing and least developed countries for procedures at the dispute settlement body.

n. + develop >>共 1756
company 6.79%
shower 3.16%
thunderstorm 3.03%
scientist 2.19%
child 1.45%
problem 1.44%
patient 1.42%
researcher 1.28%
people 1.12%
country 0.92%
least 0.06%
least + v. >>共 67
be 52.75%
afford 9.16%
say 3.30%
bite 2.56%
develop 1.83%
experience 1.83%
understand 1.83%
have 1.47%
affect 1.10%
like 1.10%
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