1.   The fact that the railroad was willing to lease depot space came as welcome news.

2.   American Express, which was also at the World Financial Center, has leased office space in New Jersey and in Stamford, Conn.

3.   Amtrak leased the space.

4.   Anderson is leasing three spaces in the station for an upscale seafood restaurant, a soda fountain and a coffee bar.

5.   As it turned out, the organization was itself leasing the space.

6.   At first they leased office space, using card tables as desks and having their wives answer the phones.

7.   At present a wall is coming down between the other two, and the space will be leased out.

8.   Besides warren after warren of federal offices, U.S. and foreign corporations also can lease space to promote trade.

9.   Boeing leases the space.

10.   A large German brewery, Holsten, has rented private homes and bed- and-breakfasts in Hogansville, says Lisa Frank, whose company leases space.

v. + space >>共 577
have 5.51%
share 3.95%
find 3.87%
rent 3.87%
create 3.85%
provide 3.50%
fill 3.35%
use 3.22%
lease 3.19%
need 2.89%
lease + n. >>共 247
space 11.57%
land 10.02%
building 5.01%
plane 4.92%
line 3.64%
car 3.28%
aircraft 3.10%
property 2.73%
company 2.00%
part 2.00%
每页显示:    共 126