1.   BIn some ways, the learning center provides a dry run for the workaday world.

2.   Along with History Center curator Don Mooney, she developed an Olympic display at the Teaching Museum South, a special learning center for Fulton County school children.

3.   At Attitash Bear Peak in New Hampshire, a high-speed quad and a learning center await skiers.

4.   At one time, the center also housed an early learning center, a cultural affairs program and a library.

5.   Atop the headquarters are several satellite dishes that link the complex with major learning centers around the world.

6.   A modern early learning center and a facility for senior citizens have been constructed.

7.   A new lodge houses a learning center.

8.   A learning center opened in September in New York and another is planned in Berlin.

9.   A pointed exception to this openness is the adult learning center.

10.   Consider First Brother Roger Clinton, who lectures about his dysfunctional childhood at alternative learning centers.

a. + center >>共 741
medical 5.61%
training 3.98%
day-care 3.65%
cultural 3.20%
new 2.58%
urban 2.18%
financial 1.81%
backup 1.51%
garden 1.50%
major 1.42%
learning 0.52%
learning + n. >>共 296
experience 17.82%
process 12.43%
difficulty 4.99%
center 3.86%
environment 3.52%
tool 2.39%
problem 2.13%
opportunity 2.06%
style 1.93%
skill 1.80%
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