1.   Parents need to learn patience and show their child that they are pleased with the progress.

2.   And with watching and through experience, we have learned that patience and discipline is an important part of this.

3.   As for the Kennedy family, the grandchildren will carry on its philanthropic tradition while learning some patience, says Ronald Appel, a lawyer who advises charitable foundations.

4.   A business community that has grown accustomed to instant gratification will have to learn patience.

5.   Coach Snyder was patient with us and we learned patience from him and bought into his one-at-a-time principle.

6.   From her, I learned patience, gardening and how to give the best hugs in the world!

7.   He learned patience from that, knowing not to get too high or too low or overly concerned with minor setbacks.

8.   He learned a patience that carried over.

9.   He has learned patience.

10.   Her task now is to learn the patience of professionalism.

v. + patience >>共 116
have 25.57%
lose 21.50%
show 6.38%
test 4.74%
require 4.37%
counsel 3.85%
urge 3.19%
try 2.97%
preach 2.59%
reward 2.37%
learn 1.56%
learn + n. >>共 847
lesson 17.42%
lot 7.85%
thing 3.80%
skill 3.64%
language 3.46%
game 2.08%
trade 1.99%
way 1.67%
rope 1.56%
art 1.31%
patience 0.38%
每页显示:    共 21