1.   Roof leaks have endangered its few computers.

2.   Saeki said the leak did not endanger people living near the plant.

3.   The White House has aggressively protected details of its anti-terror campaign, warning reporters and lawmakers that leaks could endanger more lives.

4.   But all-night talks apparently assured the Russians that the leak did not endanger either craft.

5.   But all-night talks apparently assured the Russians the leak did not endanger either craft and they gave the move the green light.

n. + endanger >>共 290
move 2.35%
violence 2.35%
delay 1.92%
attack 1.50%
agreement 1.50%
pregnancy 1.50%
withdrawal 1.28%
action 1.28%
project 1.28%
leak 1.07%
leak + v. >>共 146
be 30.39%
occur 9.80%
cause 7.03%
come 4.08%
pose 3.10%
begin 1.80%
force 1.63%
develop 1.47%
trigger 1.47%
continue 1.31%
endanger 0.82%
每页显示:    共 5