1.   But leaks have become commonplace, and the magistrates themselves have become celebrities.

2.   But then, workers broke one of four bolts holding the valve together, and the leak became a powerful jet of radioactive steam.

3.   Pretty soon, a leak becomes a torrent.

4.   The leaks have become increasingly brazen.

5.   If the leaks become a problem, the astronauts could still re-enter the space station through Atlantis.

6.   Steel mill director Jan Smerek said the gas leak only became dangerous Friday night when weather patterns trapped the air close to the ground.

n. + become >>共 1789
people 1.19%
company 1.07%
issue 0.77%
bill 0.69%
game 0.65%
situation 0.62%
woman 0.61%
life 0.60%
country 0.58%
child 0.56%
leak 0.02%
leak + v. >>共 146
be 30.39%
occur 9.80%
cause 7.03%
come 4.08%
pose 3.10%
begin 1.80%
force 1.63%
develop 1.47%
trigger 1.47%
continue 1.31%
become 0.98%
每页显示:    共 6