1.   That leaves open the possibility, however, that some Declarative sentences or statements are not factual and express something other than beliefs.

2.   A second case reported Thursday night leaves open the possibility that a different couple might have been more welcoming to Samantha despite her problems.

3.   But critics say the program relies too heavily on the honor system and leaves open the potential for abuse.

4.   But that leaves open plenty of possibilities for private litigants to win libel suits on matters of un-public concern.

5.   But that leaves open the possibility of lifting controls on Azerbaijan and Myanmar, formerly known as Burma.

6.   In both positions, the Rangers have unproven talent that probably needs some more experience and leaves open some intriguing possibilities on the free-agent market.

7.   It stops short of an iron-clad guarantee that Turkey will be included in this scenario, and leaves open the possibility that Greece could block the move.

8.   That leaves open the possibility of making the monitoring switch earlier than in October, during the next major Security Council review of Iraq.

9.   That leaves open the possibility that even had she been in Washington, the compromise measure would have failed.

10.   U.K. gilts rose, supported by optimism a weaker-than-expected British money supply report leaves open the possibility of lower interest rates.

n. + open >>共 988
gunman 4.54%
door 3.71%
police 3.26%
soldier 2.44%
market 2.19%
stock 2.10%
troop 1.84%
price 1.49%
government 1.41%
company 1.35%
leaf 0.16%
leaf + v. >>共 305
be 26.18%
turn 5.83%
have 4.31%
fall 3.97%
begin 3.04%
open 2.03%
start 2.03%
say 1.94%
look 1.60%
change 1.35%
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