1.   Both leaders signed the ceasefire agreement.

2.   The leaders signed a constituent agreement for the Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.

3.   All three Bosnian leaders have already signed documents dealing with constitutional principles and arrangements for a ceasefire and disengagement of forces.

4.   All three leaders have previously signed two other documents dealing with constitutional principles, and arrangements for a ceasefire and disengagement of forces.

5.   As evidence of the shift, the leaders signed the Moscow Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions, finalized two weeks ago.

6.   A deaf man watches the song leader sign words.

7.   But the political landscape has changed enormously since European leaders signed the treaty.

8.   Clinton will meet again with Yeltsin on Wednesday when the two leaders will sign agreements designed to reduce the nuclear threat.

9.   First, leaders must sign it and governments ratify it.

10.   He has proposed that Navajo tribal leaders sign an agreement to cover all the resisters.

n. + sign >>共 737
country 7.81%
company 6.28%
side 4.90%
president 4.52%
government 3.93%
leader 3.45%
official 3.29%
team 2.71%
agreement 2.11%
player 1.84%
leader + v. >>共 705
say 12.25%
be 9.33%
meet 2.85%
agree 2.30%
have 2.15%
call 1.93%
discuss 1.27%
make 1.19%
urge 1.13%
want 1.11%
sign 0.45%
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