1.   Also, some lawmakers are pushing for a new tax cut.

2.   But Vitaliano said he and other anti-abortion lawmakers would push for another vote on the more restrictive measure.

3.   Conservative lawmakers had been pushing to tie family planning funds to a law requiring notification of the parents of teenagers seeking abortions.

4.   Earlier this week, a bill pushed by lawmaker Eric Vitaliano, a Democratic lawyer from Staten Island, narrowly missed passage in the New York Assembly.

5.   For the most part, antiabortion lawmakers have pushed their cause this year by taking aim at spending bills.

6.   From Congress to statehouses around the country, lawmakers are pushing bills to limit death-penalty appeals and hasten the pace of executions.

7.   In Congress, lawmakers are pushing ahead with bills aimed at curbing violence on television.

8.   In Massachusetts anti-abortion lawmakers are pushing a bill to require doctors to tell women they may be at greater risk for breast cancer if they have an abortion.

9.   In emotional debates, many lawmakers have pushed instead for old-fashioned eye-for-an-eye justice.

10.   Instead, lawmakers pushed the parole board to adopt new guidelines for identifying which inmates would have the best chance of success if released early from prison.

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