1.   He said lawmakers had inserted strong anti-slamming language into the deregulation law after witnessing similar problems with the deregulation of long-distance telephone service.

2.   The theory is that the president would go through spending bills with a fine-toothed comb and excise pork-barrel projects that lawmakers had quietly inserted.

3.   It would be a fairly small percentage of overall spending, but could involve eliminating pet projects inserted by lawmakers last week.

4.   Lawmakers inserted language during budget negotiations that barred the agency from encroaching on the buffer zones that currently surround commercial stations.

n. + insert >>共 178
doctor 18.44%
surgeon 4.75%
user 3.63%
scientist 3.07%
researcher 1.96%
woman 1.96%
tube 1.68%
lawmaker 1.12%
surgery 1.12%
people 1.12%
lawmaker + v. >>共 977
say 10.39%
be 7.62%
have 2.60%
want 2.11%
vote 1.97%
approve 1.94%
call 1.47%
consider 1.46%
pass 1.27%
agree 1.10%
insert 0.04%
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