1.   Among key changes approved by lawmakers was an increase to six years from the current four years the term of newly issued licenses and identification cards.

2.   Analysts say tobacco stocks are poised to take off if lawmakers approve the settlement and preserve protection for the industry against lawsuits.

3.   And some lawmakers approved of that idea.

4.   Any cash payments by the federal or state governments would have to be approved by lawmakers in Washington and Sacramento.

5.   Before debate can begin on a bill, lawmakers must first approve the rules or guidelines under which the debate will proceed.

6.   Brazilian stocks surged, led by utilities, after lawmakers approved a bill that will let Sao Paulo state split up and sell its three utilities.

7.   - Missouri lawmakers must approve the plan.

8.   Albany lawmakers approved the bond issue over the summer without much debate, mostly because they had not left themselves time for any.

9.   Burns said competition for the tobacco tax money is stiff and much of it has already been spoken for by programs approved by lawmakers in previous sessions.

10.   Bush promised to consider the latest version if lawmakers approved it, but he declined to help break the legislative deadlock that eventually killed the proposal.

n. + approve >>共 463
parliament 10.55%
government 8.75%
voter 6.19%
shareholder 5.03%
committee 4.41%
board 4.29%
lawmaker 3.43%
regulator 2.92%
judge 2.31%
council 2.11%
lawmaker + v. >>共 977
say 10.39%
be 7.62%
have 2.60%
want 2.11%
vote 1.97%
approve 1.94%
call 1.47%
consider 1.46%
pass 1.27%
agree 1.10%
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