1.   A number of local law societies had offered to help, she added, as had several Council members.

2.   The rulings were created and administered by the local law society which represents all interested professional parties.

3.   In addition every applicant must provide a certificate of good standing from each of his or her home law societies, bars, chambers or courts.

4.   This was reflected in the difficulty which a number of local law societies clearly experienced in attempting to arrive at agreed conclusions on the questions posed.

5.   There was considerable support for the latter suggestion from private practitioners in all types of firm and from local law societies.

n. + society >>共 306
consumer 5.29%
admiration 4.81%
law 3.85%
information 3.53%
cancer 3.04%
film 1.76%
hunter-gatherer 1.60%
high-tech 1.12%
opportunity 0.96%
benefit 0.96%
law + n. >>共 320
enforcement 14.88%
firm 11.80%
official 11.75%
school 8.22%
agency 6.62%
professor 5.37%
officer 4.85%
degree 3.75%
student 2.39%
authority 2.09%
society 0.19%
每页显示:    共 24