1.   But the project was launched without the approval or the cooperation of some of the leading Jewish organizations, such as the World Jewish Congress or the Anti-Defamation League.

2.   Problems arise, though, when such recommendations are launched without any scientific research.

3.   The jump-shooting Knicks of old used to launch without a plan, often burying themselves with bad shot selection.

4.   The probe was launched without imposing dumping tariffs.

5.   Vandenberg, with its coastal location, had that role for decades, since rockets could be launched without passing over populated areas.

6.   What they got were shots smacked back in their faces on a routine basis by Kelly Schumacher and shots that could not be launched without obstruction.

7.   Although NATO raids were launched without explicit U.N. approval, Annan stressed that any solution to the conflict should receive the formal blessing of the world body.

8.   Businessman Sofjan Wanandi told Soeharto that the plan to offer savings in dollars might negatively affect public confidence in the rupiah if the plan was launched without adequate preparation.

9.   China and Russia have consistently voiced strong opposition to the NATO attacks, saying they were launched without authorization of the council and violate international law.

10.   China has consistently voiced strong opposition to the NATO attacks, saying they were launched without authorization of the council and violate international law.

v. + without >>共 860
go 6.20%
hold 4.20%
play 3.93%
leave 3.67%
say 3.21%
pass 2.27%
end 1.74%
come 1.72%
release 1.56%
work 1.44%
launch 0.09%
launch + p. >>共 57
in 39.30%
from 17.86%
on 9.36%
against 4.60%
with 3.98%
for 3.78%
after 2.59%
as 1.52%
over 1.44%
to 1.19%
without 0.99%
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