1.   Lateral stability to the structure is provided by a braced structural steel core.

2.   The upwards and outwards inclination of the kite either side of centre is what provides lateral stability.

3.   The DryJoysGX has a fiberglass shank that offers better lateral stability during the golf swing.

4.   The positioning of the engines means that if a pilot were to lose one engine, the aircraft would maintain its lateral stability.

a. + stability >>共 308
political 21.10%
financial 8.51%
economic 7.82%
regional 7.05%
social 4.86%
relative 3.08%
long-term 3.00%
greater 2.96%
national 2.67%
monetary 2.07%
lateral 0.16%
lateral + n. >>共 110
movement 14.34%
move 6.09%
meniscus 5.73%
thinking 5.38%
support 4.66%
ligament 3.58%
force 2.15%
quickness 2.15%
transfer 1.79%
vein 1.79%
stability 1.43%
每页显示:    共 4