1.   Biceps curls, triceps kickbacks and lateral raises using hand weights will improve arm and shoulder strength and help prevent injury.

2.   One seat of shoulder lateral raises.

3.   Similar lateral raises, presses and curls can be done with inexpensive resistance bands instead of weights.

4.   The lateral raise is a great shoulder strengthener, but doing it incorrectly can do more harm than good.

a. + raise >>共 171
big 9.80%
annual 5.23%
hefty 3.70%
significant 3.05%
small 3.05%
substantial 3.05%
large 2.83%
huge 2.61%
bigger 2.61%
higher 2.18%
lateral 0.87%
lateral + n. >>共 110
movement 14.34%
move 6.09%
meniscus 5.73%
thinking 5.38%
support 4.66%
ligament 3.58%
force 2.15%
quickness 2.15%
transfer 1.79%
vein 1.79%
raise 1.43%
每页显示:    共 4