1.   Only in Brandenburg did the SPD become the largest party.

2.   As the largest single party in the upper chamber, however, the LDP could have commanded an overall majority if it had secured the support of Komeito.

3.   Keskusta Suomen is the largest party in a centre-right coalition with Kansallinen Kokoomus,

4.   Negotiations were begun between the Civic Democratic Party and the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia as the two largest parties.

5.   The DNSF, the party of President Iliescu, had become the largest parliamentary party in the September elections.

6.   Therefore, perhaps Labour as the largest anti-Protection party, should be allowed to govern.

7.   Those who benefit most from such a system are the two largest parties and those with regionally concentrated support.

8.   Such a line of argument is pursued especially by the two largest parties.

9.   And although the PAN has displaced the PRI as the largest party in Congress, it lacks an overall majority.

10.   Arben Xhaferi, leader of the largest Albanian party, was close to pulling out of the government, which Macedonian Slavs dominate.

a. + party >>共 541
political 20.02%
ruling 7.57%
the 4.30%
new 2.54%
warring 2.01%
governing 1.90%
main 1.74%
small 1.41%
smaller 1.38%
communist 1.27%
largest 1.09%
largest + n. >>共 1006
group 2.89%
number 2.75%
party 2.58%
city 2.48%
company 1.61%
shareholder 1.52%
investor 1.34%
market 1.32%
opposition 1.23%
producer 1.22%
每页显示:    共 347