1.   GDA also led an initiative to allow Scottish companies to identify opportunities in the defence market, still the largest single market in the UK.

2.   The largest markets for Guinness in the region include Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya and Ghana.

3.   The largest market here is that for Certificates of Deposit.

4.   He developed the concept of an open market within the Community to create the largest single market in the Western world.

5.   American consumers and businesses together comprise the largest market on the globe.

6.   Among the countries expressing some resistance to lowering tariffs on wood products is Japan, which has the second largest housing market in the world after the U.S.

7.   Analysts estimate that China will soon be one of the three largest markets for computers, software and Internet products.

8.   And NetLine, Israeli says, also sells many devices in the States, though Europe is its largest market.

9.   And ultimately the home user remains the largest market of all.

10.   Asia is the largest regional market for U.S. cotton.

a. + market >>共 657
financial 10.17%
emerging 3.43%
asian 3.19%
broader 2.97%
new 2.81%
free 2.60%
european 2.57%
international 2.33%
japanese 2.21%
local 2.04%
largest 0.40%
largest + n. >>共 1006
group 2.89%
number 2.75%
party 2.58%
city 2.48%
company 1.61%
shareholder 1.52%
investor 1.34%
market 1.32%
opposition 1.23%
producer 1.22%
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