1.   However, women receive lower redundancy payments than men and a larger proportion of them are ineligible for payments altogether.

2.   Poorer households are known to spend a larger proportion of their income on essentials such as food and fuel for heating.

3.   Rural areas have relatively larger proportions employed in low-paying industries such as agriculture, distributive trades and tourism.

4.   Such a tax claims both a larger absolute amount and a larger proportion of income as income rises.

5.   When drawing children, your will find that the head takes up a much larger proportion of the height.

6.   A much larger proportion of resources was earmarked for social development, and less emphasis was given to encouraging manufacturing investment by means of fiscal incentives.

7.   These would spend a larger proportion of their incomes and so net savings would be reduced.

8.   One of his intriguing findings is that a larger proportion of uncited articles are published in the higher priced journals.

9.   They are therefore simultaneously producing larger proportions of theses which are ignored by other workers, and smaller numbers of theses which external researchers have considered worthy of citing.

a. + proportion >>共 372
high 7.11%
large 6.74%
higher 5.79%
small 5.42%
epidemic 3.46%
larger 3.19%
significant 3.05%
epic 2.82%
greater 2.55%
direct 2.55%
larger + n. >>共 1040
company 3.05%
number 2.64%
role 2.15%
group 1.93%
issue 1.85%
one 1.82%
share 1.76%
problem 1.20%
question 1.12%
amount 1.07%
proportion 0.55%
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