1.   Crystallization is a process involving the orderly arrangement of chains and is consequently associated with a large negative entropy of activation.

2.   Large stacking exothermicities are associated with large negative entropy changes that ensure that G is small, permitting readily reversible associations in solution.

3.   Hence, molecular associations that give rise to large exothermicities are also associated with large adverse entropy changes, and the two effects work in a compensatory manner.

4.   No internal rotors are restricted in the stacked dimer, but again we see that large adverse entropies of stacking are associated with larger stacking exothermicities.

a. + entropy >>共 18
adverse 12.82%
total 12.82%
large 10.26%
maximum 10.26%
molar 10.26%
configurational 5.13%
negative 5.13%
non-combinatorial 5.13%
standard 5.13%
absolute 2.56%
large + n. >>共 1012
number 8.74%
part 3.71%
amount 3.28%
bowl 2.81%
company 2.19%
quantity 1.68%
area 1.55%
group 1.39%
crowd 1.17%
sum 1.10%
entropy 0%
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