1.   Since then she has taught English to foreign students as house guests, under the aegis of a language school.

2.   Three members of a Colombian drugs cartel who used Oxford language schools as a cover have each been jailed for ten years.

3.   The couriers signed on for courses at two language schools in order to get visas, but were caught when one had his baggage searched at Heathrow.

4.   Quartermaine is the oblivious pivot around which the other members of staff at the Cambridge language school circulate and occasionally collide.

5.   A. The Portuguese National Tourist Office provides a list of language schools, including three with branches or affiliates in both cities.

6.   After attending Vietnamese language school, he was a military translator in Saigon where he soaked up sights and sounds which lend verisimilitude to The Deep Green Sea.

7.   Alderson learned Vietnamese at a military language school before shipping out to Vietnam.

8.   All children must be educated in French, unless one of their parents went to an English language school in Quebec.

9.   But with the spread of popular culture and Spanish language schools, she said, Zapotec and a number of other indigenous languages in Mexico are slowly dying.

10.   By restoring full diplomatic ties with Vietnam last month, President Clinton cleared the way for American universities to go abroad and set up Vietnamese language schools.

n. + school >>共 658
law 19.07%
charter 12.05%
business 7.05%
flight 4.91%
art 2.73%
city 2.30%
neighborhood 2.02%
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language 0.92%
language + n. >>共 504
barrier 10.45%
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