1.   The Japan week also includes adult language lessons, an art exhibition and a business briefing.

2.   Among the resources are home pages offering language lessons, commercial translation services, even free electronic dictionaries that translate words or phrases in almost every known language.

3.   At Entandweni Lower Primary School in Soweto, Mrs. Clinton briefly pitched in with an English-as-a-second language lesson.

4.   A lot has been written about burnout caused by schedules overcrowded with soccer, music lessons, foreign language lessons and other enrichment activities.

5.   Children go to culture camps, language lessons, and play groups for adopted kids.

6.   For others, the bilingual cards provide an instant language lesson.

7.   Flamenco, for example, ties into social studies and language arts lessons on the history and culture of Spain.

8.   He resolved the furor by taking language lessons.

9.   He is expected to return to Massachusetts this weekend, coming to Washington for more briefings and language lessons next week.

10.   In a recent language arts lesson on subject and predicate, she first defined the terms and gave students sentences to work.

n. + lesson >>共 268
history 16.68%
music 6.16%
civics 5.09%
life 4.27%
dance 3.78%
voice 2.88%
language 2.71%
golf 2.38%
art 2.22%
tennis 1.97%
language + n. >>共 504
barrier 10.45%
skill 6.17%
course 3.17%
problem 2.71%
class 2.47%
newspaper 2.43%
program 2.18%
teacher 2.14%
school 2.10%
requirement 1.85%
lesson 1.36%
每页显示:    共 33