1.   As we have seen in the preceding chapters, language development gives rise to a complex set of interrelated abilities.

2.   How science teachers can further the general language development of children.

3.   Interestingly, after our children learn to talk, this deliberate support for oral language development stops.

4.   Internal representation and language development facilitate the development of truly social behavior and spark social learning.

5.   Studies of language development, however, have followed different swings of fashion.

6.   To begin to answer these questions, we first explore the normal course of human language development.

7.   When they are first learning to talk, we support, watch over, and extend their oral language development.

8.   Games and songs provide the perfect opportunity for classroom interaction and language development.

9.   Advocates of universal screening say the first six months of life provide crucial auditory stimuli that affect language development for life.

10.   But executive producer and series creator Anne Wood says the nonsensical babble of her Teletubbies actually stimulates language development.

n. + development >>共 698
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language + n. >>共 504
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