1.   My language awareness course is intended to obviate the need for it by enabling any teacher to learn alongside the pupils.

2.   The college offers a wide variety of language courses.

3.   The school runs ten-week language courses three times a year.

4.   Postgraduate students are encouraged to take language courses from the wide range available on a non-graduating basis.

5.   Overseas students requiring a longer course in English can register for the intensive language courses lasting from October to June each year.

6.   Other CCE activities include intensive language courses for beginners, Saturday Schools, study tours and summer schools.

7.   Section A is an intensive language course for beginners or less advanced students.

8.   All the European language courses are designed to give students familiarity with the language, literature and civilisation of the relevant country.

9.   The first and second year Japanese language courses are available to students in all faculties, and classes typically feature a broad mix.

n. + course >>共 765
college 6.98%
crash 6.38%
road 3.92%
race 3.09%
language 2.29%
computer 1.93%
education 1.78%
slalom 1.31%
business 1.28%
summer 1.28%
language + n. >>共 504
barrier 10.45%
skill 6.17%
course 3.17%
problem 2.71%
class 2.47%
newspaper 2.43%
program 2.18%
teacher 2.14%
school 2.10%
requirement 1.85%
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