1.   Bonds said the landslide vote surprised him, given the strong years that Sosa and Gonzalez had and the high bar he had to hurdle.

2.   But when the official tally is made, all three are likely to be buried in a landslide vote for Warner E. Sallman.

3.   Despite the landslide vote establishing Yasir Arafat as Palestinian president, Hamas has been using its own political strength to destroy the peace process.

4.   Now there is a landslide vote.

5.   The Defense of Marriage Act passed the House last Friday in a landslide vote and has strong bipartisan backing in the Senate.

6.   The violence followed a landslide referendum vote in favor of independence from Indonesia.

7.   Aristide wins landslide presidential vote in December, with Raoul Cedras, then a colonel, in charge of election security.

8.   But Howard, an avowed monarchist, won the election in a landslide vote that had little to do with the issue of whether Australia should become a republic.

9.   China won the games for the first time in a landslide vote over Toronto, Paris, Istanbul, Turkey and Osaka, Japan.

10.   China won the games for the first time in a landslide vote over Toronto, Paris, Istanbul, Turkey, and Osaka, Japan.

n. + vote >>共 578
confidence 8.82%
voice 8.26%
no-confidence 7.99%
majority 7.97%
floor 3.29%
shareholder 3.12%
impeachment 2.83%
committee 2.49%
swing 2.43%
first-place 1.74%
landslide 0.27%
landslide + n. >>共 39
victory 66.50%
win 4.93%
election 4.68%
vote 3.69%
re-election 2.96%
defeat 2.71%
winner 1.97%
loss 1.72%
majority 1.23%
zone 0.74%
每页显示:    共 15