1.   A restrictive clause in the title deed limited the land use to mission purposes.

2.   It was also accounted for in Government planning guidance and other environmental policies that influence land use.

3.   Our department is responsible for establishing the guidelines for land use in the county.

4.   The Declines of both networks coincided with extensive changes in land use in their areas of operation.

5.   The nub of the technical job to be done was the control of land use.

6.   These basic land uses of arable, pasture and meadow were, of course, supplemented at different times.

7.   Within certain environmental constraints, a mix of land uses can bring important environmental benefits including reducing the need to travel.

n. + use >>共 866
drug 33.39%
land 3.30%
marijuana 2.68%
computer 2.41%
energy 2.37%
tobacco 2.34%
cocaine 2.32%
water 1.99%
condom 1.87%
alcohol 1.74%
land + n. >>共 628
dispute 4.03%
route 3.90%
price 3.51%
deal 3.12%
use 2.97%
ownership 2.91%
sale 2.73%
right 2.56%
claim 2.22%
owner 2.11%
每页显示:    共 158