1.   Mr Mugabe has denied prior knowledge of the land seizures, although he said the government welcomed and supported the occupations.

2.   Arafat has clearly calculated that despite the indignation of the Jerusalem land seizure, his only hope is to get his autonomy deal to progress.

3.   He incited violent land seizures that have taken a disastrous toll on agricultural investment and production and launched a broad assault on journalistic freedom and judicial independence.

4.   Little by little, the sight of hundreds of farmers from the provinces demonstrating in the capital against land seizures, dam building or pipeline construction has become common.

5.   Most Jews vow it will be forever, and land seizure is part of a strategy to maintain dominance.

6.   Officials here have repeatedly said they will not tolerate the type of land seizures that have racked neighboring Zimbabwe.

7.   On Friday, France brought the land seizures issue before the U.N. Security Council.

8.   Palestinians had expected that Oslo would lead to the end of Israeli land seizures, paramilitary colonization and martial law.

9.   She cited increasing Jewish settlements, continued land seizures for the building of bypass roads for the settlements and the fierce economic conditions in the territories.

10.   So to save itself, and arguably the peace talks, the Cabinet froze the land seizure, thus eliminating the no-confidence threat.

n. + seizure >>共 76
land 20.17%
drug 19.89%
cocaine 4.76%
weapon 4.48%
heroin 3.36%
year 3.08%
government 2.80%
property 2.52%
heart 2.24%
farm 2.24%
land + n. >>共 628
dispute 4.03%
route 3.90%
price 3.51%
deal 3.12%
use 2.97%
ownership 2.91%
sale 2.73%
right 2.56%
claim 2.22%
owner 2.11%
seizure 1.34%
每页显示:    共 72