1.   Over time, lakes fill with millions of tiny raindrops loaded with acid generated when air pollution and water mix in clouds.

2.   Smaller lakes are filling even faster, and hundreds are already to the brim and spilling.

3.   When a new Waddell Dam was completed and the lake filled to a higher level, nutrients abounded.

4.   When the rains come back and the lake fills again, Bowlin said, the pipeline will provide a permanent backup water supply.

5.   The lake filled to capacity this year for the first time in nine years.

n. + fill >>共 1457
smoke 2.14%
eye 1.97%
people 1.57%
music 1.07%
company 1.04%
crowd 0.93%
smell 0.93%
worker 0.84%
bag 0.79%
hundred 0.70%
lake 0.14%
lake + v. >>共 179
be 31.61%
say 6.25%
have 3.93%
become 1.79%
meet 1.79%
withdraw 1.25%
dry_up 1.25%
get 1.07%
freeze_over 1.07%
form 1.07%
fill 0.89%
每页显示:    共 5