1.   Small lakes contain but one kind of fish, of intermediate form.

2.   Indeed, both lakes contain more lethal gas than they did before the eruptions.

3.   The lake contains enormous amounts of carbon dioxide which can explode.

4.   The lake contains water drawn from the mountains of northern Iraq to irrigate land that could not be fed by the Euphrates River.

5.   The lake rarely contains water.

n. + contain >>共 1651
report 2.79%
bill 2.63%
book 1.76%
package 1.74%
letter 1.63%
document 1.52%
site 1.39%
product 1.29%
bag 1.23%
agreement 1.09%
lake 0.07%
lake + v. >>共 179
be 31.61%
say 6.25%
have 3.93%
become 1.79%
meet 1.79%
withdraw 1.25%
dry_up 1.25%
get 1.07%
freeze_over 1.07%
form 1.07%
contain 0.89%
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